Welcome to My Bag of Tricks

This is a blog to share the things I discover, create and love. I have a passion for creating interesting things, and an equal passion for sharing how it's done! Join me on my journey, and watch what I'll pull out of my bag of tricks!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Night Out With My Girls....LaTraviata....Art Gallery...

Jennifer and Chantelle
My  girls and I spent the weekend together and attended the Opera; La Traviata; and visited an art showing at the Covey Center for the Arts.  La Traviata was simply magnificent!  Jennifer's voice teacher had the lead...he is so handsome, and his voice is like butter. Of course the play is tragic, but all operas are.It was romantic and sweet and made us cry. Perfect! 
We all got dressed at Jennifer's apartment and to our surprise, we had all chosen red and black outfits.  We are so related.
Before the opera started, we attended a gallery showing of some amazing art and sculptures.  I snapped some pictures so I could share.

This horse was incredible. I was totally fascinated by its tail which is made  from motorcycle type chain.  Its hooves were pistons.  All the sculptures are made from mechanical bits and pieces. I had these visions of picking through some of the shop's old parts and crafting something too.   Hmmmm, I need to learn to weld.
This ostrich's body is a motorcycle gas tank......I bet we have one of those laying around.

The tree is actually made mostly from rebar, who would have thought to make something so lovely from rebar?  The man reminded us all of the commercial for the bladder control drug....You know, the people made of pipes! 

I absolutely love Dinosaurs and Dragons so I was tickled with these versions.

This was another horse they had on display.  He was selling for $7500, just not in my budget this year. 
I thought you might like to take a little gallery stroll without leaving your warm house.
Keep crafting!


  1. Looks like it must be a Hugo-inspired art gallery with all those automaton-looking things! Haha!

  2. WOW! The Gallery looks like it would be fun! I probably would have said WOW about 100 times! LOL Those are some really neat pictures.... The girls looked lovely! Glad you guys had a wonderful time! :O)
