Welcome to My Bag of Tricks

This is a blog to share the things I discover, create and love. I have a passion for creating interesting things, and an equal passion for sharing how it's done! Join me on my journey, and watch what I'll pull out of my bag of tricks!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

When Inspiration strikes!

My job really has absolutely nothing to do with crafting.....NOTHING. I work in a Honda motorcycle dealership just so's you know....anyway, I changed the tape in our packing tape dispenser the other day and just as I finished a customer walked in. I put the empty tube on the counter and promptly forgot it....this explains my house really....So this morning as walking by the counter, I notice the forgotten tube and one of those amazing creative inspirations strikes.  There lays an awesome potential craft item...and it was free!!!!! I tried it on my arm and it fit....hmmmm, creative inspiration started stirring in my brain and well.....I'll let you see what happens in the next few days. I'm extremely busy for the next couple days, but the ideas are just whirling in my head.....Here's the aforementioned tube......What do you think?
Yes, this is my desk at work, and now I'll get back to work!


  1. I'd cut it and make some bracelets covered with fabric and/or glitter! I need to come down and craft with you. xoxoxo Gitti

  2. I was thinking bracelet. Cutting it would make it less intrusive for sure and net me more bracelets. hmmmmm

  3. I'm just drawing a BLANK! But that's just me! LOL Too tired to think of anything crafty.... Can't wait to see what you come up with! :o)
